Our HACHI porcelain cooker
– unlike other casserole cookware in three ways:
【 Uniquely Time-Saving 】
Go from the oven or range top to the tabletop without missing a beat.
Hachi’s look is as smart as its concept.
Four vivid colors and a distinctive satin-matte finish complement any dinner table beautifully,
and allow you to serve your prepared dishes fresh and hot.
【 Fabulously Versatile 】
As a stewpot, steamer, casserole dish, or oven roaster, Hachi’s performance is unsurpassed.
With one vessel that stands up to microwave,
flame, or induction heating, a nearly limitless variety of dishes can be cooked to perfection.
Japanese chefs agree, there is simply no better
way to prepare rice than slow-cooking it in porcelain ceramic.
【 Light, Yet Durable 】
Porcelain has always been admired for its timeless beauty,
but there are few materials that, ounce for ounce, match its strength and tensility.
It performs like cast iron at a fraction of the weight, and HACHI’s high-kaolin formulation makes it three times more resistant to fissuring under high heat than heavy earthenware, even with daily use.