Crown your dinner table with joy!
Like many Japanese firms, Daikei is a close-knit, family-owned business.
When the Mori family established it in 1879,
they saw it not just as a manufacturer of household goods,
but as a company devoted to broad scientific and humanistic interests.
[These are the original proclamations establishing our Hachiemon-Gama kiln and company as an officially recognized enterprise.]
The company’s director today, Yoshihisa Mori, himself an inventor,
has sought to bring Daikei forward on the foundation
of what it can add to the science of cooking with porcelain.
Yes, Hachi cookware is beautiful, and the company has always held close to its reputation
for producing work of outstanding grace, color, and form.
But through the many generations that have carried the torch,
each has contributed something more, pushed harder,
toward making the products better to use, better to enhance
the user’s everyday cooking and dining experience on every level.
We’re pleased to bring you the culmination
of our efforts in the form of our new HACHI cookware,
and invite you to write to us with any questions or comments you may have.
We look forward to hearing from you!
For those interested in our company’s proud history,
here’s a capsule view.
1879 - Founded as the Morisho Seitoujyo Company
1919 - Name changed to Mori Hachi Manufactory
1941 - Name changed to Mori Kogyo Co. Ltd.
1984 - Established Daikei Ltd. as a manufacturing and sales company
1994 - Daikei Corporation is established in its current form
This is a selection of some of the international awards Daikei has received.
1894 - Third National Product Manufacturers Exposition – 2nd Prize
1904 - Korea’s Cabinet Prize for Tableware – 2nd Prize
First Nagasaki Prefecture Pottery and Porcelain Prize – 2nd Prize
2003 - Hizen District Design Review Ceramics Award: Steamers – Winning Entry
UTSUWA [Ceramic Vessel] Pottery and Porcelain Beauty Award: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry [METI] – Winner, Tableware Division
Saga Prefecture Universal Design Recommended Product Certification
UTSUWA Pottery and Porcelain Beauty Award, Tokyo International Gift Show Spring 2014 – 2nd Prize, Kitchen & Dining Goods Division
In 2008 we embarked on a mission to take our cookware technology to the next level,
and accordingly, have certified five distinct patents.
Patent No. 4159426 July 25, 2008
Patent No. 4183521 September 12, 2008
Patent No. 4349943 July 31, 2009
Patent No. 4573451 August 27, 2010
Patent No. 4822795 September 16, 2011

Come visit us!
1162 , 12 Shimoyamadani , Aritacho , Nishimatsuura-gun , Saga Prefecture , Japan 849 4143
TEL : +81 955462323 MAIL :